Thursday, May 13, 2010


Lately I have been thinking about hardship, struggle, difficulties.....I've been thinking about the many different ways we can make it through challenging times.  It's been on my mind a lot.  Looking at myself, seeing the good and the not so good.  Facing what I like and like not so much about the things that go on in our minds. 

From that thinking, I began to contemplate because thinking limits me to what I am already aware of.  Contemplating the things I was thinking about allowed me to breathe a little easier, deeper, nourishing-er......
It allowed me to allow things to naturally float up, without thinking about it.

How we handle the "naturally floating up" part is where the difference is truly made.  We can choose to push against and resist, allowing the issue to push us around.  Or we can allow the issue to unwind itself and allow itself to reveal itself, in it's unaltered wholeness.

An example is a loving relationship that has some turbulence.  The love is rarely the cause of the turbulence.  Its the issue that has not been addressed that causes the disharmony.  The love is what holds the couple together while they address the root of the disharmony together and as individuals.  Because the couple is made up of two individuals who share one relationship.  There is 200% energy available for potential.

When love is used as a source of strength, peace, nuturance, forgiveness, happiness, joy and more.......the issue can be handled with care and focus, so that the solution can be found and utilized.

Opportunites.  For peace.  Happiness.  Success.  Joy.  Fulfillment.  

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Sabita assists you in recognizing the potential of the human spirit by explaining transformation and growth from our deepest potential.

This potential is our Innate Essence. Our Spirit, Soul, Energy, Light, Inner Voice and Inner Wisdom.

With our potential we allow the mind and spirit to join in union.

Let your heart strengthen your thoughts.

Welcome change in viewpoint, opinion, consideration...

Celebrate your Soul with Passion, Love, Peace and Harmony.